The active learning pedagogy and multinational teamwork, together with the soft-skills workshops, prepare students for their future international careers. Avis certifiés - ACQUIN (Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute), Leading in a Changing World Starts by Choosing a Cross-cultural Journey, How to apply to the BSc Management at ESCP Business School, All You Need to Know About the UK Student Visa, Madrid (English and Spanish - B1 minimum) - Turin (English) - Paris (English and French - B1 minimum), Berlin (English and optional classes in German) - Paris (French - C1 minimum): Work and Study track, Companies Offering Internships and Recruiting ESCP Graduates. Ce fut un délice de m'enrichir de ces différentes manières de voir le monde. In London and Paris, they are in the range of €1,200 - €1,600 per month. Annalisa is a third year student in the ESCP Europe Bachelor. For further details, contact your campus’ Student Affairs office. Je suis en césure, après avoir effectué l'ensemble de mon M1 sur le campus de Madrid, une expérience incroyable ! In the third year some of the elective courses will be offered in German, with the option of selecting electives taught in English. Bachelor in Management (BSc). Furthermore, thanks to a partnership with BNP Paribas, the ESCP Foundation Endowment Fund supports students who encounter difficulties to obtain student credit in the absence of a solid guarantor (please note that this is currently only available for French students). Each year, ESCP welcomes over 6,000 students and 5,000 executives from more than 120 different countries, providing them with a comprehensive offer of Management courses and specialised programmes (Bachelor, Master, Executive MBA, PhD and Executive Education). * Fees may be subject to modification without notice. Specialised Master / MSc Moreover, starting from the second semester of the second year, some courses in Madrid and Paris will be taught in Spanish and French respectively. ", For more information download the BSc Brochure. Bachelor in Management (BSc). Je n'ai rien à ajouter. Salaire de départ compétitif. Entré en Pré Master en 2016, j'intègre le cycle Master en 2017. Located on each of the six campuses, the Careers Service provides students with the advice, data and tools to connect them with over 30,000 internship opportunities each year. The application process operates on a rolling deadline system from October to July. Etablissement décevant. Une expérience internationale, au sein d'une institution nationale garantissant un diplôme reconnu parmi les secteurs les plus sélectifs. The ESCP Foundation support the scholarships programe of the School, for different programmes: Master in Management-Grande Ecole, Specialised Masters, Bachelor and Doctoral Programme. The interview is designed to assess the candidate’s motivation, the match between the profile and the curriculum, and her/his personality (adaptability, maturity, openness to an international experience, etc.). Je fais partie d'une association d'improvisation théâtrale très accueillante qui organise des évènements régulièrement. Open Programmes, Faculty & Research at ESCP Europe The Bachelor in Management (BSc) programme follows international standards and is fully compliant with the EU Bologna process. You will also find information about the aims and scope of the newsletter and instructions for submitting an article to ESCP News below. Établissement multicurel où j'ai pu rencontrer des personnes issues du monde entier. The thesis can be written in English, German, French, Italian or Spanish, and is guided by faculty in Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris and Turin - again reflecting the international dimension of the programme, Anastasia BOLSHEVA (Russia) J'apprécie vraiment ma scolarité dans cette école. Ecole de commerce - Paris, Excellente préparation à la vie active par les stages en France et à l’étranger. While exploring humanities, they practice how to deal with people and lead teams. L'année prochaine je ferai une alternance chez IBM et je partirai un mois et demi à Madrid. Recent editions of ESCP News may be downloaded in PDF format by clicking below. The European Way Corporate Partnerships Experience the business world first-hand. Join a 60,000–strong international ESCP Alumni Network across 150 countries. What will your story be? Ph. The fees for those entering the three-year programme in September 2021 are: Tuition fees include all courses, projects (etc) equal to 180 ECTS credits, basic documentation and online modules. Students are encouraged to reflect upon pressing social problems, and focus on the growing realisation that sustainable social impact can best be achieved by applying creative management solutions. The School will assess these documents and may require the additional information as per our direct application. The Executive MBA at ESCP Business School is a part-time programme that brings together business leaders from around … Statement Je suis étudiant en M1 du Master in Management de l'ESCP, en apprentissage. At ESCP, our interdisciplinary Bachelor in Management (BSc) programme allows students to build their path and choose between five different campuses in five different countries. To make this possible, we provide in-class and digital language courses that are adapted to each student’s level during the three years of the programme. Travel and accommodation costs are not included. Ecole en plein coeur de Paris, l'ESCP est mon grand coup de coeur des oraux en plus d'être l'école que je voulais depuis mon entrée en prépa. J'en ressort grandi avec des expériences à l'étranger signifiantes, un diplôme valorisé et un réseau étudiant très fort. Instead of the second-year Internship, students can opt to complete a Social Impact Project, particularly relevant for students interested in future work with not- for-profit organisations. J'ai été bien accompagné, bien entouré et l'ambiance à la fois studieuse et festive te donne envie de rester tard les soirs :), j'ai vraiment apprécié ma scolarité à ESCP Europe et la réputation internationale de l'école est un plus indéniable. As a Student Ambassador for the Bachelor in Management (BSc) programme at ESCP Business School, I get asked this question quite often, “What are your days like? ESCP News is the official quarterly newsletter of the European Society of Clinical Pharmacy, published by the International Office of ESCP. Patricia Madej (Germany/Ukraine) Recent ESCP students have received interest rates as low as 1%. Aussi dense que stimulant il prépare au mieux à l'entrée dans le monde du conseil. Équivalence pour l’expertise Comptable. Read more about the programme, including informative articles, videos from our current students and other snippets of info about upcoming events at the School. At ESCP we believe in equal opportunities. Languages form an important part of the ESCP Bachelor in Management (BSc), with the aim being that all students have gained proficiency in an additional two languages upon graduation. Our Alumni are involved with the Careers Service by attending career and networking events, and offering mentorships, company presentations and industry bootcamps. Executive Masters View ESCP Europe acceptance rate & admission requirements, find out ESCP Europe student enrollment application requirements such as SAT, IELTS, TOEFL, ACT, IB, GPA & much more. The Bachelor thesis is a further opportunity for students to enhance the learning and skills gained from the programme and deepen both knowledge and understanding of their chosen field in management. They are renewable each year on condition of academic achievement, behaviour and involvement in the ESCP community. Track: London – Turin – Berlin, "The Bachelor in Management at ESCP gives you the opportunity to compare different fields of business and see what you like the most. ESCP Bachelor in Management - BSc. ", Guillaume Danloy (Belgium) The Bachelor in Management (BSc) programme is recognised as “Diplôme d’études supérieures en commerce et entrepreneuriat” (Visa Bac+3) by the French Ministry of Higher Education Research and Innovation (MESRI) in France. The ESCP Alumni Association, through its 60,000 active alumni in 150 countries, will help you build strong connections and gain valuable insight into companies and recruiters around the world. Each academic year, you will have the opportunity to study at one of our urban European campuses in Berlin, London, Paris, Madrid or Turin, or to study one year at our partner institution, Tsinghua University in Beijing. For further information about the procedures and the amounts of the scholarships, click on the programme concerned on the ESCP Business School website. In Berlin, Madrid and Turin the costs are in the range of €900 - €1,300 per month. En poursuivant votre navigation, vous acceptez nos, politique générale de protection des données. Current ESCP Europe Bachelor in Management (BSc) student, Ellen Neschev, discusses the reasons why she chose the programme and her experiences at ESCP Europe so far. ESCP is able to sponsor students for their visas and to provide the required Visa Letter upon confirmation of enrolment. L'an passé, les frais de scolarité du Bachelor in Management d'ESCP BS s'élevaient à 42 000€, soit 14 000€ par an. Track: London - Madrid - Berlin, "I have chosen the BSc of ESCP because it is the only programme that merges the study of economics with social studies and foreign languages. Applications for the intake of September 2021 are now open. Par ailleurs, l'École offre de nombreuses perspectives professionnelles et la vie associative y est particulièrement dynamique. 3 years. Je trouve que les compétences que j'ai apprises sont utiles dans la vie professionnelles et les possibilités d'échanges sont incroyables. Each thesis project is supervised and guided by a member of the Faculty or expert in the relevant field. Le parfait mixe entre enseignement exigeant et vie étudiante épanouissante. The Bachelor in Management (BSc) programme was granted the “Grade de licence” for the “diplôme d’études supérieures en commerce et entrepreneuriat” (Bac+3) by the French Ministry of Higher Education Research and Innovation (MESRI) in France. Je suis actuellement au Advanced Master in Finance, second meilleur masters en finance mondial selon le FT, est la meilleur formation que j'ai eu la chance de faire. Please take into account the cost of living on the different campuses. As an academic year comes to an end, and another one starts, it is time to look back and reflect on how much it has brought to us. 71 ESCP Europe reviews. ESCP Business School Madrid Campus Develop presentation, communication and research skills, along with fluent business language. Berlin, 05 May 2020. D. Doctoral Programmes Executive MBA To make this possible, we provide in-class and digital language courses that are adapted to each student’s level during the three years of the programme. by Justine Altmeyer-Wagner, Class of 2021. The Bachelor in Management received top marks in these areas, among others: general study situation, interdisciplinary references within the course offerings, adequate participant numbers within the course. Building relationships and networks is essential. Introduction to European Business Administration and Organisations, European Institutions and Comparative Political Systems, International Relations and European & World History, Presentation, Discussion and Rhetoric Skills, International and European Business Law and Taxation, Key Scientific and Technological Issues in Business, Operations Management and Business Information Systems. 10K likes. We understand that sometimes students will find that the course or university chosen aren’t right for them. Recruitment processes are constantly evolving, focusing less on technical knowledge and more on assessing the applicant’s ability to work in a team, their analytical thinking, organisational skills and leadership potential. Les cours y sont de bonne qualité, les perspectives professionnelles inouïes. Students must study at a different campus each year of the programme. Learn management through an interdisciplinary approach, and broaden your horizons through liberal arts and language modules. Bachelor of Science. My internship was even better than I imagined it; I not only gained some new skills, but I also learned a lot about the industry.". So far she has been in… Custom programmes for Companies. by Laurana Thery, Class of 2022. In the university ranking published today by the CHE University Ranking, ESCP Business School is listed in the top group in several categories. Découvrez gratuitement des avis sur les entreprises et des salaires postés de manière anonyme par des employés Finalement c'est une bonne nouvelle pour l'ESCP Europe qui va pouvoir implanter à Paris le Bachelor déjà lancé depuis 2015 sur ses autres campus européens, ainsi que ses activités de formation continue (executive education). - Master en Management programme grande école (1A). Read the profile of our Student Ambassadors and email them directly. Governance Forgez votre propre opinion avant d'intégrer ESCP Business School ! As part of the three-year programme, students will move to a different campus each year, enhancing their international experience. Accreditations and Ranking, Bachelor in Management (BSc) Whether you want to learn more about the programme, find out about the social life, have questions about accommodation or the challenges of moving countries, there is no greater way than to ask someone who has experienced the Bachelor in Management (BSc) before you. L'encadrement de l'école est excellent, trouver un apprentissage n'a pas été un problème. Securing an internship during (or a job after) university is becoming increasingly competitive. It also gives the opportunity of traveling and grasping the cultural differences of many European cities. The conditions to obtain a Student visa will be: To check what type of visa you need to study in the UK please complete this brief questionnaire. Whilst we prefer to meet students to person, distance interview (via Skype) may be available. Manage inter-cultural groups and gain insights into working as a team with people from all over the world. What’s the life of a Bachelor student in Paris?”.It’s a very legitimate question that I surely asked myself as I was applying to the Bachelor program. Introduction The Bachelor in Management Highlights A unique opportunity to experience intercultural management first-hand by living and studying in three different countries over three years Study each year in a different campus, without having to compromise on academic excellence Experience intercultural management first-hand Unique interdisciplinary programme combining management, … Go to and select ESCP if you are taking a French baccalauréat and want to start the first year of the BSc in Paris. Vous dormirez encore moins, mais le sourire aux lèvres. Through internships, my interest in Finance became apparent, so I decided to do an Apprenticeship at a Fund Management Company in Paris.". ESCP Business School Madrid Campus Want to transfer your studies to the Bachelor in Management (BSc) of ESCP? J'ai la possibilité de partir un semestre dans un des 6 campus de l'escp (Paris, Berlin, Londres, Madrid, Turin, Varsovie). Welcome to the Bachelor in Management at ESCP Europe! Moreover, due to the small number of students, you can actually learn much more and perform better, also it improves the interaction with professors.". Consult your bank for information on a personal loan. ESCP Business School runs prestigious undergraduate and postgraduate programmes with Bachelor's, Master's and MBA degrees that are consistently ranked among the best worldwide in both the Financial Times and QS Rankings. Master in Management Le mastère spécialisé Stratégie conseil et organisation est extrêmement formateur. Prof. Fabrizio Zerbini, Associate Dean, Bachelor in Management (BSc), Chiara Bimbatti (Italy) Mes amis sont Indiens, allemands, argentins, japonais, camerounais, français et autres. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Please be aware you must refer to the relevant government website(s) for updated visa information. Les professeurs sont pour la plupart issus du monde de l'entreprise et très bon dans leur domaine d'expertise. If this applies to you, we can consider your application to transfer to Year 2 of our Bachelor in Management (BSc) programme if you meet our transfer criteria. Research Centres and Laboratories For studies of 6 months or more, EU nationals will need to apply for a Student visa. Entré après une classe préparatoire, je ne regrette pas mon choix d'intégrer ESCP Europe: de brillants professeurs et un contenu pédagogique de qualité me le rappellent quotidiennement. Scholarships can cover 10% to 50% of tuition fees (excluding first-year registration fee) and are assigned based on different criteria such as merit and financial needs. I felt well- prepared for my interviews thanks to the Careers Service, and ultimately I was selected to do a three-month internship at Airbus Defence and Space in Lean Management and Process Optimisation. The transfer application must be done through our online application form and should follow the same application deadlines as for Year 1 students. Combined with hands-on projects, extensive group work, professional internships and a concluding thesis, the Bachelor in Management (BSc) will prepare you for the next steps in your career success, be it in postgraduate study or graduate work opportunities. L'administration fonctionne plutôt bien et l'école trouve un compromis relativement judicieux entre…. Academic Departments J'ai effectué un stage de 2 mois dans une start up en tant que Business Developer au début de ma césure, puis un stage de 6 mois à Paris en M&A développement chez BNP Paribas. 1st year: London / 2nd year: Turin / 3rd year: Berlin). Get to know and understand diverse cultures by living and studying in three different countries, without having to compromise on academic excellence. Our final year Bachelor students discuss their experiences at ESCP Europe and what they plan to do next. Go to and search for “ESCP Business School”. Welcome to the official ESCP - Bachelor in Management (BSc) group! J'ai passé quatre années géniales à l'ESCP. Prof. Ben Voyer. Track: London – Madrid – Berlin, "The best thing is that now I know everything that forms a company, and this a great part of the ESCP Bachelor in Management (BSc). Les nombreuses associations permettent d'acquérir de l'expérience tout en passant de bons moments conviviaux. Si les recruteurs ont encore du mal à y voir clair dans les bachelors, ils en apprécient toutefois la polyvalence. ESCP Europe offers courses that take place in 2 to 4 different countries: I personally chose the path London - Turin - Berlin. ESCP Europe’s distinctive model of a cross-border multi-campus business school embodies the heart of our European identity. Leading in a changing world Starts by choosing a cross-cultural journey. Just before the summer break, three B1 students decided to share their thoughts on their first year at the ESCP Paris Campus. Success of the ESCP Bachelor by Isabelle Ferrière on 26 March 2019 in News , Our news The newspaper Le Monde has published an article about the two Bachelors programmes launched by ESCP and Polytechnique: “Des bachelors premium pour capter l’élite mondiale”. European Management Journal, Find your Future Managers The learning-by-doing and real-world experience gained during internships help to further increase their employability.” Discover our ESCP Bachelor in Management (BSc) programme through the stories of … Je vous recommande vivement cette école. Corporate Events ESCP Europe's Bachelor in Management is generalist enough to not close any doors, and allows talented students to experience a world-class management education while travelling to some of Europe's most fascinating cities. Welcome to the Bachelor in Management (BSc) Blog! Chairs & Professorships Ingénieur de formation, je suis très satisfait! Company presentations, seminars, conferences, roundtables and interviews with recruiters, On-campus general and industry-specific job fairs attracting over 130 companies throughout the year, Bootcamps on Consulting, Banking, Tech and Marketing led by ESCP Alumni on how to be recruited by the leading companies in these sectors, pay the application fee: £348 to apply for a Student visa from outside the UK, demonstrate that they have enough money to pay for the course (bank statements), demonstrate that they have a sufficient level of English with a valid test such as IELTS, or in-house test, pay the Immigration health surcharge for one year: £470, provide a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies from ESCP, Academic transcripts from the last 3 years, Secondary School examination certificates (if already held, or upon receipt), Name and contact details of one academic referee, English language test scores (if required)*: IELTS 6.5 / TOEFL 90 / CAE 180, Supporting documents for additional languages spoken, A place (unconditional or conditional) on the programme with a deadline by which to respond, Study-Track option (e.g. ESCP - Bachelor in Management (BSc) Official has 1,010 members. Experience the business world first-hand. ESCP 2019 Rankings Berlin Campus Admissions Tel: +49 (0)30 32 007 231, London Campus Admissions Tel: +44 (0)20 7443 8872, Paris Campus Admissions Mob: +33 (0)7 64 21 23 12, Madrid Campus Admissions Tel: +34 91 171 90 27, Turin Campus Admissions Tel: +39 335 751 1995, High school diploma (various education systems accepted), English (some courses in Spanish, French or German), - ACQUIN (Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute)- #1 in Selectivity, International Openness and Professional Integration by Le Parisien Étudiant, “The Bachelor in Management (BSc) allows students to become experts in management science and learn how to make complex decisions. The Careers Service hosts a range of events for students each year to help them define and refine their career plans, obtain valuable information, and learn about different job opportunities internationally. ESCP's Bachelor in Management BSc is ranked 1st in Le Parisien Posted on 11/03/2020. Pre-Master Year If you continue without changing your settings, we'll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on the ESCP website. Student visas will allow you to work part-time during term time (up to 20 hours a week), full-time during vacations (including the period before the course starts), or on a work placement (internship) as part of the course. Selective recruitment ensures you only study alongside the highest calibre students. Notre avis sur le Programme Grande école de l’ESCP business school. Je suis en première année à l'ESCP. Super ppur l'alternance mais très moyen au niveau de l'administration qui fzit n'importe quoi (changement de'politique de campus sans en parler ...). 6 urban campuses, 6 different countries, 3 years of study abroad. Thanks to ESCP’s strong links with the corporate world, students are offered internships across a range of sectors, including Marketing & Communications, Banking & Finance, Consulting, Food & Beverage, Luxury Brands, E-commerce & IT, Automotive, Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare, Energy & Chemicals, and NGOs. Your European Academic Director,
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